Nandroxyl 250

  • Drug Class:
    Anabolic Steroid (for intramuscular injection)
  • Active Life:
    15 days
  • Average Dose:
    Men 200-600 mg/week, Women 100mg/week
  • Liver Toxicity:
  • Aromatization rate:
  • DHT Conversion:
  • Decrease HPTA function:
  • Anabolic/ Androgenic rate:
  • Active Substance:

    Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/ml


Nandroxyl 250 with its active substance Nandrolone Decanoate is an injectable anabolic steroid used not only by atheletes but in medicine too.

Using Nandroxyl 250 one may experience appetite stimulation, increased red cell production and reduced libido. Nandroxyl 250 must be always stacked with testosterone in order to avoid reduced sex drive. It si recommended to stop Nandroxyl 250 injections 2 weeks prior testosterone injections.

Men taking Nandroxyl 250 have developed gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction (including constant erections), and a change in testicular function and sperm production. Nandroxyl 250 can cause liver cell tumors, and may result in peliosis hepatitis, the formation of blood-filled cysts inside the liver and/or spleen. Both of these conditions can be fatal. It may also result in acne, insomnia, jaundice (yellowing of skin), depression and/or aggression. It may also cause allergic reactions that include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

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